Portfolio Pages
Fifth-Color Web Development
My Responsive demo will show the magic of Responsive Design
(Click and follow instructions)
I immediately became a fan of responsive web design when pursuing the web design field. With the use of a reponsive design the website adapts a particular web design for phone , ipads and desktop. With the increase use of devices other that desktop computers responsive web design is vital in keeping up with the way we access the internet.
Read About Responsive WebI love web design. It is a great communication medium a designer can use to create an idea for a client as well as themselves.
My Web Design BackgroundI have a passion for Graphic Design. I love color and shape. With education and computer software a design can come to life easily with infinite possibilities .
My Graphics BackgroundPhotography has always been my passion. I have worked in the photo industry and have been lucky for the career in Photography I have had.
My Photography Background
© 2020 Fifth-Color
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Last modified: Aug 2020